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Vaikuttavuus hankintakriteerinä

Soini E. Vaikuttavuus hankintakriteerinä. Valtakunnallinen terveydenhuollon hankintaseminaari 6.10.2022 Pikku-Finlandia, Sailab – MedTech Finland ry.

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) and Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CTEPH) Patients in Finland (FINPAH) – A Descriptive Retrospective Real World Cohort Study Between 2008 and 2020

Pentikäinen M, Soini E, Asseburg C, Mankinen P, et al. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) and Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CTEPH) Patients in Finland (FINPAH) – A Descriptive Retrospective Real World Cohort Study Between 2008 and 2020. Value Health 2022;25:12S.

Comparison of Certified Secure Processing Environments (SPE) – Novel Platforms for Collection, Augmentation, Structuring, Transfer, Management, Analysis, Sharing, Reporting, and Storage of Sensitive Data?

Soini E, Hallinen T, Martikainen J. Comparison of Certified Secure Processing Environments (SPE) – Novel Platforms for Collection, Augmentation, Structuring, Transfer, Management, Analysis, Sharing, Reporting, and Storage of Sensitive Data? Value Health 2022;25:12S.

Health economic evaluation of gravity-based intravenous infusions in Finland: Digital remote monitoring frees capacity and saves materials

Not available online

Puolitaival A, Savola M, Tuomainen P, Asseburg C, Lundström T, Soini E. Health economic evaluation of gravity-based intravenous infusions in Finland: Digital remote monitoring frees capacity and saves materials. WoCoVa 2022; Podium B11.4.

Faster Access to Innovative Therapies with Risk-Sharing Agreements – Cancer Medication Reimbursement Decisions from January 2012 to November 2021 in Finland

Ihalmo P, Väätäinen S, Soini E, Vandorou C, Mankinen P, Nevalainen E, Price M. Faster Access to Innovative Therapies with Risk-Sharing Agreements - Cancer Medication Reimbursement Decisions from January 2012 to November 2021 in Finland. Value Health 2022;25:6 S1.

Exploring structural uncertainty and impact of health state utility values on lifetime outcomes in diabetes economic simulation models: Findings from the Ninth Mount Hood Diabetes Quality-of-Life Challenge

Tew M, Willis M, Asseburg C, et al. Exploring structural uncertainty and impact of health state utility values on lifetime outcomes in diabetes economic simulation models: Findings from the Ninth Mount Hood Diabetes Quality-of-Life Challenge. Med Decis Making 2021.

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