Publications by ESiOR personnel

Our experts have written, co-written, and provided insights into hundreds of publications.

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Yritykset terveystiedon äärellä

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Panel discussion/Paneelikeskustelu: Yritykset terveystiedon äärellä. SoTe-tiedot hyötykäyttöön -seminaari. STM. Jan 27, 2016. Mukana: Soini E.

Use of psychotropic medications in relation to neuropsychiatric symptoms, cognition and functional performance in Alzheimer’s disease over a three-year period: Kuopio ALSOVA Study

Törmälehto S, Martikainen J, et al. Use of psychotropic medications in relation to neuropsychiatric symptoms, cognition and functional performance in Alzheimer’s disease over a three-year period: Kuopio ALSOVA Study. Int Psychogeriatr 2017;29(10):1723-33.

Expert Solutions in Outcomes Research. Asiantuntijaratkaisuja vaikuttavuustutkimukseen

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Soini E. Expert Solutions in Outcomes Research. Asiantuntijaratkaisuja vaikuttavuustutkimukseen. Lakityöryhmän WorkShop, SoTe-tiedon toissijainen käyttö: ”Tiedolla johtaminen, ohjaus ja valvonta”. Feb 16, 2016. Meritullinkatu 8, STM.

Sotessakin perustellaan hankintoja tiedolla

Sotessakin perustellaan hankintoja tiedolla. Terveydenhuollossa tapahtuu. Terveys & Talous -lehti 2016;(5):24. Haastateltu: Soini E.

Can we improve identification of adverse events by focusing on patients with poor patient-reported outcomes?

Heiskanen J, Tolppanen AM, Hartikainen J, Hippeläinen M, Miettinen H, Martikainen J, et al. Can we improve identification of adverse events by focusing on patients with poor patient-reported outcomes? In Nykänen I (ed) 4th Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare. Program and Abstracts p. 41. Kuopio, Finland, May 18-20, 2016. NSQH2016. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Reports and Studies in Health Sciences 21.

Alzheimerin tautia sairastavan potilaan ja tämän omaishoitajan elämänlaatu suhteessa sairauden vaikeusasteeseen ja potilaan avuntarpeeseen

Väätäinen S, Hongisto K, Välimäki T, Hallikainen I, Koivisto A, Martikainen J. Alzheimerin tautia sairastavan potilaan ja tämän omaishoitajan elämänlaatu suhteessa sairauden vaikeusasteeseen ja potilaan avuntarpeeseen. In: Terveystaloustiede 2016, p. 13-15. Ed. Mäklin S. THL: Helsinki, 2016.

Nivelreuman tehokas hoito kannattaa myös yhteiskunnallisesti

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Martikainen J, Puolakka K. Nivelreuman tehokas hoito kannattaa myös yhteiskunnallisesti. BestPractice Reumasairaudet 2016.

ESiOR Oy. From Data to Competitive Advantage

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ESiOR Oy. From Data to Competitive Advantage. In: Nordic conference on Real World Data – Collaboration between pharma industry and Academia. Nov 30, 2016. Helsinki. Presenter: Soini E.

Budget impact of iv iron therapy with ferric carboxymaltose in patients with chronic heart failure and iron deficiency in Germany

Theidel U, Väätäinen S, Martikainen J, Soini E, et al. Budget impact of iv iron therapy with ferric carboxymaltose in patients with chronic heart failure and iron deficiency in Germany. Heart Failure 2016 – Featuring the 3rd World Congress on Acute Heart Failure, European Society of Cardiology (ESC), 21-24 May 2016, Florence – Italy, P2203.

Monitoring hospital readmissions after percutaneous coronary interventions using risk-adjusted control charts – Comparing static and dynamic rolling risk-adjustment methods

Martikainen J, et al. Monitoring hospital readmissions after percutaneous coronary interventions using risk-adjusted control charts – Comparing static and dynamic rolling risk-adjustment methods. In Nykänen I (ed) 4th Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare. Program and Abstracts p. 95-96. Kuopio, Finland, May 18-20, 2016. NSQH2016, Podium. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Reports and Studies in Health Sciences 21.

Quality of Life, Potential to Benefit and Concordance Based on Preferences from 14 Countries

Soini E, et al. Quality of Life, Potential to Benefit and Concordance Based on Preferences from 14 Countries. In Nykänen I (ed) 4th Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare. Program and Abstracts p. 70. Kuopio, Finland, May 18-20, 2016. NSQH2016, Podium. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Reports and Studies in Health Sciences 21.

Setting Quality of Life Benchmarks with Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison and ICPC-2 Codes: Berkson’s Bias Beware

Soini E, et al. Setting Quality of Life Benchmarks with Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison and ICPC-2 Codes: Berkson’s Bias Beware. In Nykänen I (ed) 4th Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare. Program and Abstracts p. 68. Kuopio, Finland, May 18-20, 2016. NSQH2016. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Reports and Studies in Health Sciences 21.

Which is more safe and effective – coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)?

Heiskanen J, Hartikainen J, Hippeläinen M, Miettinen H, Roine RP, Martikainen J, et al. Which is more safe and effective – coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)? In Nykänen I (ed) 4th Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare. Program and Abstracts p. 42. Kuopio, Finland, May 18-20, 2016. NSQH2016. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Reports and Studies in Health Sciences 21.

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