Publications by ESiOR personnel

Our experts have written, co-written, and provided insights into hundreds of publications.

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Terveydenhuollon rahoituspäätökset – Millä perusteilla ne tehdään, mikä on kustannusvaikuttavuustiedon merkitys?

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Terveydenhuollon rahoituspäätökset – Millä perusteilla ne tehdään, mikä on kustannusvaikuttavuustiedon merkitys? Puheenjohtaja: Soini E.

Uncertainty in the Challenge 3

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Asseburg C. Uncertainty in the Challenge 3. Mt Hood 7 Meeting on the Health-Economic Modelling of Diabetes. Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, June 18, 2014. Podium.

International normalized ratio (INR) monitoring and percent time in therapeutic INR range (TTR) can have impact on patient’s quality of life? Application of Beta regressions in a prospective 3 months setting

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Soini E, et al. International normalized ratio (INR) monitoring and percent time in therapeutic INR range (TTR) can have impact on patient’s quality of life? Application of Beta regressions in a prospective 3 months setting. 15th Biennial SMDM European Meeting, Antwerpen. Program and abstracts 2014.

Quality of life along the diabetes continuum: a cross-sectional view of health-related quality of life and general health status in middle-aged and older Finns.

Väätäinen S, Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi S, Saramies J, Uusitalo H, Tuomilehto J, Martikainen J. Quality of life along the diabetes continuum: a cross-sectional view of health-related quality of life and general health status in middle-aged and older Finns. Qual Life Res 2014;23(7):1935-44.

Economics, modelling and diabetes

Asseburg C (ed). Economics, modelling and diabetes – The Mt. Hood Newsletter. ESiOR Oy, Kuopio, Finland.

Kustannusvaikuttavuus pienillä potilasryhmillä

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Soini E. Kustannusvaikuttavuus pienillä potilasryhmillä. Lääketietokeskus: Vaikuttavuusiltapäivä – kohti räätälöityjä lääkehoitoja. Helsinki: training. Oct 10, 2013.

Productivity costs in Finnish cost-effectiveness assessments

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Soini E. Productivity costs in Finnish cost-effectiveness assessments. KWRC seminar 27.5.2013.

Reuman hoidon kustannusvaikuttavuus Suomessa

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Soini E. Reuman hoidon kustannusvaikuttavuus Suomessa. BestPractice Reumasairaudet – Lääketieteen asiantuntijoiden ammattilehti 2013;1(3):7-9.

Current and future strategy for osteoporosis screening and diagnostics: Cost-effectiveness of FRAX with or without pulse-echo ultrasound measurement of bone mineral density and DXA on demand

Asseburg C, Riekkinen O, Karjalainen J, Kröger H, Soini E. Current and future strategy for osteoporosis screening and diagnostics: Cost-effectiveness of FRAX with or without pulse-echo ultrasound measurement of bone mineral density and DXA on demand. Value in Health 2013;16:A564-5.

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