DSEG – Data Science and Evidence Generation

DSEG – Data Science and Evidence Generation Finland

Data is everywhere and it is big – its amount has increased exponentially. It is no surprise that a new inter-disciplinary field using methods of information sciences, computing, and statistics has evolved in its wake. Data Sciences identify associations, regularities and irregularities in data masses, which can be used in the development of explanatory assessment and predictive models. In the process, our understanding of the past, the present, and possibly the future will increase.

The task of our DSEG specialists is to make sense of data. We identify and gather relevant data from various sources and mine the facts and results from the data that enable further understanding. We develop solutions based on the results and demonstrate and communicate the discoveries in a way that has a positive contribution to decision making.

Our DSEG services are easily incorporated into our SHEOR and MA services.

Evidence generation is an iterative process

DSEG is an iterative process of algorithm design, machine learning, artificial intelligence, modelling, and easy reporting. The process starts with identifying the relevant data sources and continues with compiling and preparing the data for statistical analysis. Applicable statistical methods are exploited to extract answers from the data to the questions at hand. Once the analysis model has been developed, the analysis can be updated whenever new data become available. Furthermore, the whole process can be refined using insights gained in earlier iterations.

Literature reviews, real-world data, and meta-analyses are essential in treatment valuation

Assessment of relative effectiveness and safety of different treatment options for the same disease form the basis for treatment guidelines and cost-effectiveness analyses. All the relevant publications and other data sources for the research question are identified through systematic literature reviews (SLR) or comprehensive real-world data (RWD). Essential data from these sources is then extracted and prepared for relative effectiveness assessment (REA) of treatments.

There are numerous, context-specific methodological approaches for performing meta-analyses (e.g. meta-analyses of trials involving direct comparisons only, indirect treatment comparisons, and network meta-analyses, NMA) or comparative effectiveness research (CER). Our DSEG services enable a meta-analysis or CER to be conducted as a process in which the updating of the analysis with new clinical trial findings or RWD is straightforward.

Registry studies and surveys provide real-world evidence of effectiveness and costs

Clinical studies generate information on the effectiveness of treatments in closely defined conditions. Only patients fulfilling strict inclusion and exclusion criteria are enrolled in a clinical trial and the trial treatment process is carefully designed to suit the purposes of the study. Every-day practise in real life often differs significantly from the conditions of a clinical trial, which is why the information on the effectiveness and safety of a treatment as part of ordinary treatment practise is valuable, yet it still rarely exists for most treatments.

Real World Data (RWD) and surveys complete the picture

Our specialists have considerable experience in conducting surveys and real-world data (RWD), effectiveness and cost of illness studies and can create real-world evidence (RWE) with the most suitable methods. RWD studies can be carried out as registry studies or patient chart reviews depending on the research questions. Occasionally, register data and existing real-world data do not suffice. Registries often lack certain data, such as information related to patient experiences, quality of life or patients’ willingness to pay, for instance. In these cases, we can approach the original data source and ask the individuals themselves. Surveys directed at patients, or their family members, doctors, decision makers, or even the public can supplement the information from other sources.

Narrated and insightful stories facilitate the understanding of complex issues

Our DSEG services offer useful tools to manage and utilise masses of information. A carefully built story solves challenges, creates insight, and demonstrates results. Innovative, interactive tools, such as web-based interfaces and models, help to communicate the results. In the process, complex issues become easier to understand and utilise. You can explore an interface we created and its automatic narrative reporting on our reference page.

Data and evidence may already exist. Our DSEG services will make the most of it. We enjoy big challenges, but we are just as glad to take over smaller projects. Regardless of the scope of the project, you can always count on the acknowledged skills and innovative ideas of our specialists.


Our MA services expedite and maintain patient access to pharmaceutical products.

Interested? Contact us and we will tell you more.

Data and evidence may already exist. Our DSEG services will make the most of it. We enjoy big challenges, but we are just as glad to take over smaller projects. Regardless of the scope of the project, you can always count on the acknowledged skills and innovative ideas of our specialists.

DSEG Contacts

Erkki Soini
+358 40 053 3971

Janne Martikainen
+358 44 071 8243

Christian Asseburg

Mika Karjalainen
+358 50 442 0546

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