Jalkanen K, Martikainen J
Lavikainen P, Heiskanen J, Jalkanen K, Lehtimäki AV, Vehkala S, Kangas P, Husman K, Vohlonen I, Martikainen J. Effectiveness of the Coordinated Return to Work model after orthopaedic surgery for lumbar discectomy and hip and knee arthroplasty: a register-based study. Occup Environ Med 2024;81:150-7.
Väätäinen S, Soini E, Töyräs J. Should Hospitals Do Contract Research? Costs, Net Monetary Benefit, and Return on Public Sector Investments in Research at Kuopio University Hospital. Value in Health, Volume 26, Issue 11, S2 (December 2023)
Soini E, Asseburg C, Pehrsson M, Lundström T, Meretoja T, Hautalahti M, Salminen E, Mäkelä J, Carpén O. From Biobank Sample to Breast Cancer Prevention—Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Returning Genomic Data to Sample Donors. Value in Health, Volume 26, Issue 11, S2 (December 2023)
Fingenious ekosysteemitilaisuus 1.12.2021. (Erkki Soinin puhe alkaa 56:00)
Soini E, Hautalahti M, Mäki-Opas T. Kustannusvaikuttavuustiedon merkitys toiminnan suunnittelussa ja päätöksenteossa. DigiSote 2022; Video.
Pentikäinen M, Soini E, Asseburg C, Mankinen P, et al. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) and Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CTEPH) Patients in Finland (FINPAH) – A Descriptive Retrospective Real World Cohort Study Between 2008 and 2020. Value Health 2022;25:12S.
Soini E, Hallinen T, Martikainen J. Comparison of Certified Secure Processing Environments (SPE) – Novel Platforms for Collection, Augmentation, Structuring, Transfer, Management, Analysis, Sharing, Reporting, and Storage of Sensitive Data? Value Health 2022;25:12S.
Soini E, Hallinen T, Martikainen J. Secure Processing Environments (SPE) Are Needed for the Cybersecure Collection and Secondary Use of Personal, Health, and Social Data. Value Health 2022;25:12S. SPESiOR included.
Soini E. Health economic evaluation of gravity-based intravenous infusions in Finland: Digital remote monitoring frees capacity and saves materials. WoCoVa 2022; Video.
Puolitaival A, Savola M, Tuomainen P, Asseburg C, Lundström T, Soini E. Health economic evaluation of gravity-based intravenous infusions in Finland: Digital remote monitoring frees capacity and saves materials. WoCoVa 2022; Podium B11.4.
Ihalmo P, Väätäinen S, Soini E, Vandorou C, Mankinen P, Nevalainen E, Price M. Faster Access to Innovative Therapies with Risk-Sharing Agreements - Cancer Medication Reimbursement Decisions from January 2012 to November 2021 in Finland. Value Health 2022;25:6 S1.
Ihalmo P, Väätäinen S, Soini E, Nevalainen E, Vandorou C, Mankinen P, Price M. Life-Years Gained with Conditional Reimbursement Access to Innovative Oncological and Hematological Medicines in Finland. Value Health 2022;25:6 S1.
Puolitaival A, Savola M, Tuomainen P, Asseburg C, Lundström T, Soini E. Digital Remote Monitoring of Intravenous Infusions Frees Capacity and Saves Materials: Economic Evaluation Study in Finland. Value Health 2022;25:6 S1.
Karki S, Ryynänen O-P, Salokekkilä P, & Häggman-Laitila A. 2023. Bayesian analysis of the factors explaining the disruptive behaviour of care leavers: A retrospective document analysis. Children and Youth Services Review, Volume 155, 107174.
Vislisel JM, Zhang J, Dhariwal M, Soini E, Asseburg C, & Karki S. Patient-reported outcomes for spectacle independence with an extended depth of focus intraocular lens: a meta-analysis. AAO, November 3-6, 2023, San Francisco.
Vislisel JM, Zhang J, Dhariwal M, Soini E, Asseburg C, & Karki S. Patient-reported satisfaction with an extended depth of focus intraocular lens: a meta-analysis. ASCRS, May 5-8, 2023, San Diego, CA.
Vislisel JM, Zhang J, Dhariwal M, Soini E, Asseburg C, & Karki S. Patient-reported outcomes for visual disturbances with an extended depth of focus intraocular lens: a meta-analysis. ASCRS, May 5-8, 2023, San Diego, CA.
Asseburg C, Mankinen P, Soini E. (737) Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) and Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CTEPH) in Finland Between 2008 and 2020 (FINPAH) - A Descriptive Real-World Cohort Study.
Asseburg C, Oksanen M, Soini E. Triple therapy for incident pulmonary arterial hypertension in Finland between 2008 and 2020. A descriptive real-world FINPAH cohort study.
Hallinen T, Kivelä S, Soini E, et al. Cost-Effectiveness of Empagliflozin in Combination with Standard Care versus Standard Care Only in the Treatment of Heart Failure Patients in Finland. ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research 2023;15:1–13.
Purola PKM, Taipale J, Väätäinen S, et al. Price tag of glaucoma care is minor compared with the total direct and indirect costs of glaucoma: Results from nationwide survey and register data. PLoS One 2023;18:e0295523.
Lavikainen P, Hartikainen J, Miettinen H, Viljakainen M, Martikainen J, et al. Agreement between physician- and patient-reported Canadian cardiovascular society scores among patients undergoing elective coronary angiography - The CATS study. PLoS One 2023;18:e0292058.
Alajärvi L, Martikainen J, Timonen J. Experience of the adequacy and appropriateness of pharmaceuticals-related environmental information and preferred information channels among Finns.
Aarnio E, Huupponen R, Martikainen J, Korhonen MJ. Reimbursement and use of oral anticoagulants during 2014-2022 - A register-based study. Explor Res Clin Soc Pharm 2023;11:100284.
Mustonen J, Rautiainen P, Lamidi ML, Lavikainen P, Martikainen J, Laatikainen T. The use of isCGM leads to marked reduction in severe hypoglycemia requiring emergency medical service or hospital admission and diabetic ketoacidosis in adult type 1 diabetes patients. Acta Diabetol 2023;60:891-8.
Lavikainen P, Chandra G, Siirtola P, Tamminen S, Ihalapathirana AT, Röning J, Laatikainen T, Martikainen J. Data-Driven Identification of Long-Term Glycemia Clusters and Their Individualized Predictors in Finnish Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Clin Epidemiol 2023;15:13-29.
Lakka TA, Aittola K, Järvelä-Reijonen E, Tilles-Tirkkonen T, Männikkö R, Lintu N, Karhunen L, Kolehmainen M, Harjumaa M, Mattila E, Järvenpää R, Ermes M, Mikkonen S, Martikainen J, et al. Real-world effectiveness of digital and group-based lifestyle interventions as compared with usual care to reduce type 2 diabetes risk - A stop diabetes pragmatic randomised trial. Lancet Reg Health Eur 2023;24:100527.
Petäjä U-K, Terkamo-Moisio A, Karki S, Häggman-Laitila A. The Prevalence of High-Risk Behavior Among Adolescents in Aftercare Services and Transitioning from Out-of-home Care: A Systematic Review. Adolesc Res Rev 2022.
Soini E, Lundström T, Taiha M, Mankinen P, Linden K. Epilepsy awareness and treatment satisfaction in Finland – An electronic survey for patients and close relation individuals. Dosis 2022; 38(3): 290–325.
Puolitaival A, Savola M, Tuomainen P, Asseburg C, Lundström T, Soini E. Advantages in Management and Remote Monitoring of Intravenous Therapy: Exploratory Survey and Economic Evaluation of Gravity-Based Infusions in Finland. Adv Ther 2022.