A large proportion of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) do not attain the treatment targets with traditional warfarin treatment. As a result, they remain at increased risk for AF-related events (stroke, hemorrhage) and other warfarin treatment associated adversities. Regardless of treatment balance, warfarin treatment causes significant monitoring costs making it worthwhile to study alternative treatments.
ESiOR compared the cost effectiveness of apixaban and warfarin in the anticoagulation treatments of AF patients in a recent study. As part of the assessment, costs associated with health events were estimated based on a registry study and quality of life estimates were estimated based on the data collected as part of a national health study.
The assessment showed that apixaban is a cost effective treatment alternative when compared with warfarin, irrespective of the attained time in therapeutic range with warfarin.
Source: Hallinen T, Soini E, et al. Cost-effectiveness of apixaban and warfarin in the prevention of thromboembolic complications among atrial fibrillation patients. SpringerPlus 2016;5:1354.See also: Hallinen T, Soini E, et al. Warfarin treatment among Finnish patients with atrial fibrillation: retrospective registry study based on primary health care data. BMJ Open 2014;4:e004071.
Soini E. Eteisvärinän antikoagulaatiohoito muutoksen myllerryksessä: Muuttuvatko kokonaiskustannus ja vaikuttavuus maksajan mukana? Terveys ja talous -päivät 2016.
Contact information: Taru Hallinen tai Erkki Soini.