The Brain Research Unit 2.0 (Aivotutkimusyksikkö 2.0, ATY 2.0) is a collaborative effort between the University of Eastern Finland, the Northern Savo wellbeing services county, and the region’s health sector companies. The aim is to create an internationally attractive, scalable operating model for brain health clinical research that can also be used in other scientific fields.
The key focus of this new model is collaboration and partnership among academia, healthcare providers, patients, and industry stakeholders. This ensures that research findings are not only scientifically sound but also relevant and applicable to patients’ daily lives. For example, collaboration with academic teams and companies can promote the effective use of research findings as diagnostic and treatment methods. By involving patients as active participants, the project aims to promote patient-centered care and enable individuals to contribute directly to medical progress.
Erkki Soini, a health economist and CEO of ESiOR, highlights the importance of business value in the new model. From the business perspective, he says, companies would like a smooth research-to-business plan, including a clear idea of what innovations are needed.
By developing a new operating model for clinical trials, the Brain Research Unit 2.0 project aims to speed up the translation of research findings into clinical practice, benefitting patients and healthcare systems. In addition, the integration of real-world data and patient perspectives has the potential to redefine the way medical interventions are studied, leading to more effective treatments and improved patient outcomes.
You can read the original news article in Finnish: Lähtölaukaus uudelle kliinisten tutkimusten toimintamallille | Itä-Suomen yliopisto (
More about the National Center for Pharmaceutical Development (Kansallinen Lääkekehityskeskus), in Finnish: Turkuun perustettiin Kansallinen lääkekehityskeskus