Publications by ESiOR personnel

Our experts have written, co-written, and provided insights into hundreds of publications.

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Epäsuora vertailu ja verkostometa-analyysit – uudet työkalut lääkkeiden suhteellisen tehon ja vaikuttavuuden arviointiin

Peura P, Asseburg C, Turunen J, Purmonen T, Martikainen J. Epäsuora vertailu ja verkostometa-analyysit – uudet työkalut lääkkeiden suhteellisen tehon ja vaikuttavuuden arviointiin. (Indirect comparison and network meta-analyses – new tools for the assessment of evidence on the relative efficacy of drugs.) Aikakauskirja Duodecim 2011;127(9):900-10.

Short-course adjuvant trastuzumab therapy in early stage breast cancer in Finland: Cost-effectiveness and value of information analysis based on the 5-year follow-up results of the FinHer Trial

Purmonen TT, Pänkäläinen E, Turunen JH, Asseburg C, Martikainen JA. Short-course adjuvant trastuzumab therapy in early stage breast cancer in Finland: Cost-effectiveness and value of information analysis based on the 5-year follow-up results of the FinHer Trial. Acta Oncol 2011;50(3):344-52.

ESiOR laittaa numerot puhumaan

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Soini E. ESiOR laittaa numerot puhumaan. KunnallisSuomi 2010;(10):8.

Lääkehoitojen taloudellisen arvon arvioinnin perusperiaatteet

Martikainen J. Lääkehoitojen taloudellisen arvon arvioinnin perusperiaatteet. Onko lääke hintansa väärti? Lääkepäivät. Mar 19-20, 2010. Toim. Pirinen O, Aducate Reports and Books 1/2010: 78-79. Itä-Suomen yliopisto. Koulutus- ja kehittämispalvelu Aducate, Kuopio 2010. Podium.

Experiences from The United Kingdom and Sweden in conducting pharmacoeconomic studies

Asseburg C. Experiences from The United Kingdom and Sweden in conducting pharmacoeconomic studies. Onko lääke hintansa väärti? Lääkepäivät. Mar 19-20, 2010. Toim. Pirinen O, Aducate Reports and Books 1/2010:80-81. Itä-Suomen yliopisto. Koulutus- ja kehittämispalvelu Aducate, Kuopio 2010. Podium.

Health economic study using survey data and modelling: Agomelatine, generic venlafaxine and placebo in the treatment of major depressive disorder

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Soini E, Hallinen T. Health economic study using survey data and modelling: Agomelatine, generic venlafaxine and placebo in the treatment of major depressive disorder. European Conference on Health Economics (ECHE) 2010.

A Bayesian assessment of decision uncertainty in the choice between triptans for the treatment of migraine in Finland

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Asseburg C, Ramsberg J, Peura P, Henriksson M, Purmonen T, Turunen J, Martikainen J. A Bayesian assessment of decision uncertainty in the choice between triptans for the treatment of migraine in Finland. International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) 2010 World Meeting on Bayesian Statistics.

Kokonaisuus ratkaisee kustannusvaikuttavuuden

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Kokonaisuus ratkaisee kustannusvaikuttavuuden. BI News 2010; syksy:4. Haastateltu: Soini, E.

Cost-effectiveness, value of information and budget impact of certolizumab pegol compared to subcutaneous tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors and methotrexate in the treatment of moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis in Finland

Soini E, Hallinen T, et al. Cost-effectiveness, value of information and budget impact of certolizumab pegol compared to subcutaneous tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors and methotrexate in the treatment of moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis in Finland. Value Health 2010;13(7):A243. Podium at the Annual ISPOR European Congress.

Model uncertainty in cost-effectiveness analysis. Combining Epidemiology & Economics for Measurement of Cancer Costs

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Asseburg C. Model uncertainty in cost-effectiveness analysis. Combining Epidemiology & Economics for Measurement of Cancer Costs. Villa Mondragone, Italy, September 23, 2010. Podium.

Cost-utility and multinomial expected value of perfect information of sequenced treatment with biologics in moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis: Analysis based on clinically meaningful responses

Soini E, Hallinen T, et al. Cost-utility and multinomial expected value of perfect information of sequenced treatment with biologics in moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis: Analysis based on clinically meaningful responses. Value in Health 2010;13:A310.

Comprehensive health economic assessment of sequenced treatment with biologics in moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis: Analysis based on ACR50 and ACR70 responses

Soini E, Hallinen T, et al. Comprehensive health economic assessment of sequenced treatment with biologics in moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis: Analysis based on ACR50 and ACR70 responses. Arthritis & Rheumatology 2010;62 Suppl 10:759. Poster at the Annual Scientific Meeting of American College of Rheumatology (ACR/ARHP 2010). ACR Notable Poster Nomination.

Cost-effectiveness of a barrier-strengthening moisturizing cream as maintenance therapy vs. no treatment after an initial steroid course in patients with atopic dermatitis in Sweden – with model applications for Denmark, Norway and Finland

Hjalte F, Asseburg C, et al. Cost-effectiveness of a barrier-strengthening moisturizing cream as maintenance therapy vs. no treatment after an initial steroid course in patients with atopic dermatitis in Sweden – with model applications for Denmark, Norway and Finland. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2010;24(4):474-80.

Millainen on hyvä lääkkeen hoidollisen ja taloudellisen arvon arviointi?

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Martikainen J, Nyblin K. Millainen on hyvä lääkkeen hoidollisen ja taloudellisen arvon arviointi? Dosis 2010;26:33-42.

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