Easier access to the market

Market Access Finland

Market Access works with ESiOR! In Finland, all pharmaceuticals, medical products, clinical nutritional preparations, and basic ointments with marketing authorisation are accessible to consumers who can afford them. However, societal funding (in the form of reimbursement) is only granted to products with proven therapeutic value that provide good value for the invested funds. From the societal perspective, the costs and benefits accrued from the use of medicinal products need to be balanced when compared to other available treatment options.

We are here to help you compile and generate documentation to demonstrate the value of your product and to advance the accessibility of treatments from the perspectives of patients and societal value.

All-round Market Access consultation for pharmacy products

The Market Access (MA) process seeks to ensure that authorised medicinal products, clinical nutritional preparations, and basic ointments are accessible to patients at reasonable prices without undue delays or interruptions. The prices of these products tend to be reasonable to patients only when the Pharmaceuticals Pricing Board has made the decision to include them in the drug reimbursement system by confirmation of reimbursement status and reasonable wholesale price.

Our experts will guide you through Market Access procedures of outpatient medicinal products from start to finish. 

The scope of services is always defined to suit your needs.

Our experts work as a team to provide all the needed material and documentation required in different phases of the pharmaceutical life cycle:

Price and reimbursement applications

  • Application for reimbursement status and reasonable wholesale price (new medicinal product, extension of reimbursement status, application for renewal of a fixed-term decision, biosimilar product, parallel-imported product)
  • Application for reimbursement status in reference price system

Health economic assessments

  • Localising and adapting existing global models
  • Structural changes and further development of existing models
  • Developing new models

Response and request for additional information

  • Expert statement
  • Opinion statement
  • Decision proposal

We also provide:

Budget impact analyses
Registry and survey studies to provide real-world evidence (RWE)
Literature reviews and meta-analyses
Consultation and training

Hospital Access – the market access for hospital products

In Finland, the assessment of therapeutic value, costs, and cost-effectiveness of medicinal products administered in a hospital setting or inpatient care are undertaken by the Finnish Medicines Agency Fimea. Fimea determines which products undergo such listing and hospital access assessment based on the prevalence, severity, and burden of the condition, as well as the impact of the new treatment on treatment practices and costs. The pharmaceutical manufacturer can aid Fimea in the assessment by providing Fimea with supporting material, e.g. cost-effectiveness analysis and model. The Fimea assessment may have an impact on the public service choices in healthcare (Cohere, Palveluvalikoimaneuvosto Palko). Our specialists have vast experience in health technology assessments (HTA) and we will gladly help prepare the necessary documentation for the public service choices recommendation or Fimea assessment.


Our SHEOR services assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of medicinal products, treatments, and services.

Interested? Contact us and we will tell you more.

The entire Market Access process is our area of expertise. Let us take care of it. We will ensure the process is fast and based on vast experience. We surely enjoy big challenges and conquering difficulties, but we are just as eager to take over smaller projects.

Market Access Contacts

Erkki Soini
+358 40 053 3971

Janne Martikainen
+358 44 071 8243

Mika Karjalainen
+358 50 442 0546


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