Kuopio Health Insights 2024

KHI2024 - Pharma Development & Digital Health: 13–14.8.2024

We’re delighted to invite you to Kuopio Health Insights 2024 (KHI 2024)! This year the event will focus on Pharma Development and Digital Health and it takes place over two days in Kuopio, Finland. At the KHI 2024 you will meet many of the key players.

The KHI 2024 seminar days 13-14.8 offer you the opportunity to network and follow the top speeches in the health sector and we can also meet at ESiOR’s stand and dicuss about e.g., effectiveness, health economic evaluatios, real-world evidence, or SPESiOR secure processing environment solution.

We look forward to seeing you in Kuopio! More information and registration by August 6th: https://kuopiohealth.fi/insights-2024/

Additional information: Erkki Soini, Saku Väätäinen, or Petri Mankinen