Tag: health

ESiOR will participate in ISPOR Europe 2023!

ISPOR is the biggest conference of Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics. This year the European conference will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark on 12-15 November. The event will focus on the role of health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) in shaping policy, including the use of real-world evidence (RWE), cross-border collaboration, affordability, and equity.

This year, we are proud to present two posters.

Should Hospitals Do Contract Research? Costs, Net Monetary Benefit, and Return on Public Sector Investments in Research at Kuopio University Hospital (EE296)

Whereas the cost-effectiveness of health innovations, such as pharmaceuticals and medical devices, is routinely evaluated during the market access and reimbursement processes, the cost-effectiveness and monetary value of research is rarely evaluated. In this study, the value of research conducted at Kuopio University Hospital was assessed in terms of monetary benefits gained per investment in research.

Link to publication

From Biobank Sample to Breast Cancer Prevention — Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Returning Genomic Data to Sample Donors (EE361)

In the FinnGen study, genomic and health data from 500,000 Finnish biobank participants was studied to gain insight into the genetic basis of diseases. In this study, we assessed the cost-effectiveness of returning genetic cancer risk information to the female sample donors.

Link to publication

We are really excited to attend, present our work, and hear insights from other professionals in the field!


See the full programme of the conference here.

Would you like to meet us in Copenhagen? Get in touch!